Online Coding For Kids/Teens!

For the fact that every kid in the world deserves to share in this phenomenon that Codeworld is bringing to kids and teens in the world of coding and technology, we recognize the factor of distance and have refused for it to be a barrier. With our online coding classes, your kids do not need to be in Abuja or even Nigeria to join in.
We offer two categories of online coding/programming  classes. The One-on-One online coding classes where we get to match your kid with the professional tutor that best suits them in their uniqueness and your kids get to learn coding virtually from the comfort of their homes. Parents also get an opportunity to supervise what their kids are getting taught by sticking close during the virtual classes. There is also the Small Groups Classes with a minimum of 5-6 kids per class group to ensure an effective, fun and collaborative coding learning experience. The small groups classes prioritize teamwork and personal connection. It helps kids improve on their communication skills and their ability to work as a team.  
With our online coding classes, kids get a chance to learn a variety of creative computer programming languages  including;
HTML/CSS, JavaScript for Kids, Python Programing for kids and Py games,Unity Game Development,JavaScript,etc
Codeworld runs online coding and programming classes for a 1-month and 3-months duration all year round and a virtual segment for our holiday camps. At Codeworld, we maximize virtual learning as well as onsite learning because every kid deserves the best coding experience irrespective of where they are in the world. Visit to sign up your kids!

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